Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I must get the photograph to really show off the glow of this piece and give it the respect it deserves.  The drape is amazing.   I started it in a class, learning a small circle and attaching it to another... I'd say I  got carried away  ~ but in the flesh or on the flesh rather ~  it's a piece one would wear to the Opera or maybe the Oscars?  ** YET** a friend wore it for this shot and with jeans ~ It looked fabulous  ~  not the sneakers though...

I think this piece took about 2 and a half weeks to complete.  I know, it's a bit long but the time it took is so worth it whenever I glance at it.  aNd, yes, I will attempt another.. I think in reds, grays,  black, silver and gunmetal.  Sounds good to me.

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